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Access to basic medical care remains difficult to achieve for the people of Haiti, especially those living in the rural areas. Years after the earthquake, Haiti’s health care system remains in disarray.  Hundreds of thousands (especially those living in the remote areas) remain without basic health care, proper sanitation and clean water.

Our different programs are: 

Child and Maternal Health


Maternal and infant mortality rates have improved tremendously; however, much more remains to be done.  The maternal mortality rate has declined from 670 deaths/100, 000 live births in 1990 to 359 deaths/100,000 live births in 2015 (est.).  The infant mortality rate also decreased tremendously from 143 deaths/1,000 live births to approximately 47.98 deaths/1,000 live births in 2015.[1]  This remarkable decline in both maternal and infant mortality rates can be credited to the effort and hard work from the non-profit organizations, a national vaccination campaign and the fact that more and more women are being seen during pregnancy.


The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the AME-SADA target area is over 8%.  This rate is much higher than the national average of 2.26% reported in most publications.  AME-SADA provides Voluntary Testing, Pre and Post Testing Counseling for HIV at all of its 8 health centers (Bellanger, Delice I and II, CRAH/Port-au-Prince, Fond Baptiste, Pont Matheux, Source Mattelas, Leger.  Full Anti Retro-viral (ARV) treatment is currently provided only in two clinics (CRAH in Port-au -Prince) and Pont Matheux Clinic (Arcahaie).  From January to December 2015, more than 7,238 people were tested for HIV.  179 were tested positive and 132 of them entered treatment.  852 HIV positive patients are currently receiving treatment in AME-SADA health centers.   In the last 12 months, approximately 42 women received the initial prevention of transmission and treatment from mother to child (PMTCT), and their babies were born without being infected with the HIV virus.

Cholera Treatment and Prevention

The cholera outbreak in Haiti was classified as one of the worst cholera epidemics in the world. Cholera killed 5,000 Haitians in its first year. In the four years since the outbreak, more than 8500 Haitians died from cholera and more than 685,000 have become sick—approximately one in 15 people. The number of cases has dropped significantly as a result of a massive public education campaign by the Ministry of Health and organizations like AME-SADA.  Cholera, however, still persists in Haiti—hundreds of cases are encountered yearly, especially during the rainy season.  In 2012, the Ministry of Health (MSPP) established treatment centers in the regions covered by the AME-SADA clinics, thereby eliminating the need for AME-SADA to treat cholera patients. It is, however, almost impossible to eradicate Cholera in Haiti until the core problems of accessibility to clean water and sanitation are addressed. 


One of AME-SADA’s goals is to train local mothers’ clubs (organized in the last few years) in the use of spring cap construction and other more permanent systems to provide isolated communities with access to potable water. AME-SADA anticipates working in collaboration with one of its local partners to build safe water sources once funding is secured.  Funding is being sought to undertake this activity.   Some funding was provided by the Connectional YPD to field test this project.

Malnutrition Program

For the last decade, AME-SADA has received funding from a USAID-financed sub-grant to implement a malnutrition program. This program enables AME-SADA staff to identify and treat severely malnourished children at the Pont Matheux clinic. In 2015, the program identified and treated approximately 4,513 children in the Arcahaie region alone. This result almost doubles our previous year’s accomplishments, due to increased resources provided by the WKKF grant.  Through the mothers’ clubs (groups organized by AME-SADA to empower women in their communities), women learn to use local foods to maximize the nutritional intake of their babies upon weaning.  This program is working well and received positive feedback from the community at large.  It is also now being expanded with new funds received from WKKF.

For more detail information about our Health Programs review our Annual Reports by clicking the icon below:


For more information about gift options, please contact:

Executive Director
1134 11th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
202-371-0981 fax


Child and Maternal Health
Cholera Treatment and Prevention
Malnutrition Program
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