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AME-SADA depends on contributions to carry out its essential work in Africa and the Caribbean. Gifts to AME-SADA may take several forms. For example, donors may support current programs in Haiti and South Africa. Such support may be given outright or in cash installments based on a written pledge. Many programs are available for immediate participation.

Please let us know how we can do better in order to gain your business by filling the survey form:  

AME-SADA is Supported by:


Support comes from the AME Church, charitable foundations, corporations, other private organizations, the U.S. government, international agencies, foreign institutions and thousands of persons committed to AME-SADA's vision for a better world.


For more information about gift options, please contact:

Executive Director
1134 11th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
202-371-0981 fax

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